Sunday 8 February 2009

Creative Writer Hussie

I came to a bit of a revelation the other day. As a writer, I am profoundly in love with my work. I know it, I love it, and I am excited by it. Then… well then I think a new idea. Without intending it, I think more and more about the new idea. I start to write little notes about it, and I ultimately I look at the project that I was in love with. You know. The one that up until that point I was profoundly in love with a nd excited about, and the spark has vanished.

I am an idea hussy. I feel neither pride, nor shame about it. It is a fact of my make up. I came to the realization when I was thinking of the body of work that I am in various stages with. Currently I am working on about five short stories, three screenplays, and two novels. Yet the ideas do not stop sparking.

In fact I would dare say that if every idea that I ever fell in love with were taken to completion, then Novelists like Stephen king, screenwriters like David koepp or William Goldsmith, and various short fiction writers would be scratching the noggins at the massive amount of works that I have under my belt.

Alas, I move from one idea to another like a literary Lothario. A Don Juan writer who loves many ideas, and leaves them soon for another. Every dream I have becomes an idea for a story in waking up period. Every fear I have compounds itself in my mind into a full fledged novel.

Discipline. It boils down to discipline to complete the works of various ideas into hard work to be read, appreciated, hated, to be alive. In fact there are periods of time that I reject all of my ideas, and want nothing to do with any of them. Such a HUSSY!!! Also proof that I need a kick in my butt every now and then. I appreciate that in order to succeed in anything it requires discipline. Gotta buy me some of that!!!

So I will force myself to work on ONE project. I’ll remind myself that I LOVE this project. Love it madly with all of my heart. I will renew the enthusiasm that it requires to finish an idea to completion. Someone whom I admire deeply gave me a message. She said that everything is energy. I have to focus my energy through my pen and make the energy positive and pure, and my works will be so.
I have focused my energy through my keys into this blog. In this way, I know it to be as it should be.